Agents Information
Agents is required to call Union Cousin Labor Service, when Temporary workers have arrived, at work address, and when work is done. Agents is required to sign the work Ticket and Liabilty form then call Union Cousin Labor Service, with the accurate hours for temporary workers.
Union Cousin pay Temporary worker the current State or Federal, minimum wage. The one that's higher.
Agent receives performance commission pay, for ensuring the accurate number of hours on Union Cousin work ticket and the Print, Signature on Liabilty form. Agent receives the percentage, from total employee gross. The percent is10% of combine wages of temporary workers , that worked at Employers Job location each week.
Agent will be mailed or receive pay check the second Friday after the work ticket and Liabilty form has been signed, every second seven days ( Friday. )
Example: 10% of ( $290.00. ) commission will be ( $29.00. ) Union Cousin Labor Service, take out State and Federal taxes from Performance commission check at Zero tax Liability rate. Agent will receive 1099 or W2 form, they will be mailed out by January 31st
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